Sunday, August 29, 2010


So, it's been a while since I've...wait never mind. I'm not even going to start with that sentence.

Things have been a bit of a roller coaster here at Casa de Yaya, so the posting has been not so much. The roller coaster started with this new addition:

Yup. We went and bought ourselves a new home. In a new city. We're moving!!!

We are still waiting on some final "home buying" official things (technical jargon you know). It looks good from here, so I thought I'd announce the good news. If we don't for some strange reason get the home, we're going to have to find a place to put our new washer and dryer AND new flooring.

Needless to say, buying a our first home has led to some major purchases and has signaled the beginning of this:

I knew that color choices were varied, but man are there color choices! I'm looking forward to painting and decorating our first home :-) I just hope I don't drown in color samples!

The move is still about 3 weeks away, but I'll try to keep the blog updated as the decorating process begins. Yeah painting!!!

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