Sunday, October 10, 2010

Home Makeover

It's been quiet around here since we moved into our new/first home. We've been busy unpacking, painting, and most importantly laying new floor. It's been a busy 2 weeks since we moved in and we have done a lot to make this place our home. My hope is to share the makeover on this bloggy blog of mine in order to keep friends and family up to speed with what we're doing.

Today, I thought I'd share a few pictures of the floor N, a good friend, and my father-in-law put in last weekend. It was two long days of nothing but floor, and while some minor cosmetics are left to finish, it looks A-MA-ZING!

Here's the before of the kitchen because that's all I could find on my computer right now:

Here's the after with our lovely new floors with our shiny new fridge:
I couldn't find a shot of the living room before, but here's the after:

The lighting is kind of crummy, but you get the jist. See those little squares of color on the wall on the left? That was this weekends project. Choosing a paint color and slapping it on the wall left of the fireplace. 

We chose Behr's Silver Sateen. If we like it, we'll most likely paint the whole living room in that lovely shade of gray.

Hopefully, the next house post will be of a painted living room!

Today though, we had a "No working on the house day".  We visited a new church, grabbed some lunch downtown and enjoyed this crazy gorgeous weather. Oh yeah, and we bought a fab new sofa. More pictures to come!

1 comment:

Daniel Harding said...

Looks awesome! So happy for you guys - can't wait to actually be able to see it in person!